Lip Injections

Hamptons Medical Associates

Family Medicine and Aesthetics located in Boca Raton, FL

Have you always wanted plumper lips, more defined lips, or maybe just a different lip shape? Lip injections at Hamptons Medical Associates in Boca Raton, Florida, can instantly give you the lip look you want during a quick in-office procedure. If you’re ready to get the lips you’ve been wishing for, make your appointment via the online tool or call the Hamptons Medical Associates office today.

Lip Injections Q & A

Am I a candidate for lip injections?

Lip injections with a dermal filler can be a good option in several different situations, including:

  • If your lips have thinned over the years
  • If you’ve never been happy with your lip volume (naturally thin lips)
  • When you have lip volume but want a slightly different lip shape

If you want a change and you’re a healthy adult, you’ll usually qualify for lip injections.

What type of dermal filler is used for lip injections?

Hamptons Medical Associates uses Juvéderm® for lip injections because it’s extremely effective and offers formulas specially made for the lips. There are no worries regarding allergies because Juvéderm is made of hyaluronic acid, a substance that your body produces naturally and therefore doesn’t trigger an allergic reaction.

There are two different types of Juvéderm commonly used in lip injections, and each has its own unique purpose.

Juvéderm Ultra

Your Hamptons Medical Associates provider might recommend Juvéderm Ultra if your lip enhancement goal is a dramatic volume increase. Juvéderm Ultra can also help define or reshape your lip borders if you like. Juvéderm Ultra lasts up to a year in the lips.

Juvéderm Volbella™

Juvéderm Volbella has a smaller amount of hyaluronic acid than Juvéderm Ultra, and it’s a much thinner product. Your Hamptons Medical Associates provider may recommend Juvéderm Volbella for tiny vertical lip lines (aka smoker’s lines) and for subtle lip enhancement. If you’d like some extra lip volume but don’t want anything too dramatic, Juvéderm Volbella might be the right choice for you. Juvéderm Volbella lasts up to a year in the lips.

During your consultation at Hamptons Medical Associates, your experienced care provider will discuss each option with you to determine which formula best suits your needs.

Where else in my face can I have dermal filler injections?

Juvéderm isn’t limited to lip injections. There is a range of formulas, each suited for certain parts of the face. Some of the most popular Juvéderm treatment areas include:

  • Cheek injections to fill out hollow cheeks with Juvéderm Voluma™
  • Earlobe injections to restore piercing holes with Juvéderm Volbella™, Ultra, or Ultra Plus
  • Injections around nose and mouth to correct folds with Juvéderm Vollure™ or Ultra Plus

If you lack volume nearly anywhere in your face, Juvéderm can be an excellent solution.

Ready to take the next step towards fuller lips? Book your lip injections consultation online or by phone today.