Recent Blogs

Brotox: Why More Men Than Ever Are Embracing Botox

Did you know more men are choosing to get Botox® than ever before? Maybe you’re one of the many guys out there considering getting this treatment for the first time. Here’s what you should know.
Oct 1st, 2019

5 Benefits of Adding Juvéderm®️ to Your Anti-Aging Regimen

As you age, those little lines and wrinkles start popping up, fullness decreases, and skin tightness begins to slack. If you want to address these issues but aren’t ready for a surgical face-lift, Juvéderm®️ offers your skin several benefits.
Aug 12th, 2019

Make Your Eyelashes Pop With LATISSE

Thick, dark, lush lashes are sexy, and they can take years off your age, too. LATISSE is an FDA-approved prescription product designed to promote new, thicker lash growth without resorting to expensive or potentially damaging lash extensions. Here's how it
Jun 13th, 2019
Hydrafacial, perfect skin, Hydrafacial’s three-step technique

What Makes a Hydrafacial Different?

Hydrafacial helps your skin look its best by getting rid of dirt and oils, unclogging your pores, reducing wrinkles and age spots, and infusing your skin with essential nutrients. There's no downtime and you can enjoy your fresher complexion right away!
May 11th, 2019
Hamptons Medical Associates, Transform Peel, clarity Peel, Hamptons Medical Associates

Revitalize Winter Skin With a Chemical Peel

Dry winter air takes a toll on your skin. Give your skin the help it needs with a chemical peel designed just for your needs. Peels are great for the face, and they can be used on the neck, hands and chest too.
Dec 21st, 2018

Top 10 Reasons SculpSure Body Sculpting May Be Right for You

Want to lose those pesky fat deposits without surgery? SculpSure® laser treatments can do just that and more, helping you permanently lose excess inches without pain or side effects. Learn how to achieve a better body with noninvasive SculpSure.
Oct 31st, 2018